

You are about to make an all-important presentation at work when you notice it: an ink stain the size of a baseball on your crisp white shirt.  There …
Most of us have heard about Joshua and the battle of Jericho when the “walls came tumbling down.” But let’s not miss the account of an ordinary …
When you pray, or when you give, if you want everybody to know about it – hide it! If you don’t want anybody to know it, then chances are your …

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Watch television or scroll through social media and you’ll see ad after ad promising everything you could want for a satisfying life—health, wealth, …


God often calls us to take big leaps of faith. Your support is helping encourage listeners to be obedient to His voice—even when it’s scary. You help …

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Outfit your life with the proven truth of God's Word so you will be able to follow wherever He leads and experience the abundant life God intends you to have.