
The awakened heart

February 19, 2018
“I was asleep but my heart was awake …” - SONG OF SOLOMON 5:2

In pre-computer days I struggled with the tangled equations of physics. Then one day in the middle of that first semester I had an awakening. “I see it now!” I told myself.

Similarly, there are times when our consciousness may be asleep, but our heart, the inner core of understanding, is wide awake. There comes a wonderful moment when our head awakes to what we know in our heart, and there is a completeness of understanding that impacts our behavior.

This is the way the Word of God transforms us. We read it, hear it preached and taught, and often don’t understand. But all along, that Word is being planted in us (James 1:21). Our hearts are awake, even though our minds are asleep.

Then the day comes when we cross over into a new level of spiritual maturity, and we shout, “I see it now!” Perhaps today will be one of those moments for you.

Recall the moments of God-sparked awakening and discovery in your life, and write in your journal the things you learned, decisions you made and the outcomes.

Categories: Devotionals>
