
Answer The Phone

August 23, 2024
Answer The Phone
"Lord, teach us to pray."
Luke 11:1

Most of us feel that we don’t pray as we could or should, but we don’t quite know what to do about it. You see, prayer is both ordinary and mysterious. It’s as ordinary as answering a telephone and as mysterious as discovering that God Himself is on the other end of the call!

Jesus’ disciples observed Him praying and knew He derived power from His time alone with the Father. So they asked for a lesson in prayer. Jesus gave them a model to remember and practice that we know as “the Lord’s Prayer.” It’s not a rote mechanical prayer, but a model for personal, heart-felt communion with God. So ask Him today to teach you to be a prayer warrior so that you can “hear the phone ring” and answer with a sense of excitement and expectation. God wants to talk with you!

Categories: Devotionals>