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What Really Awaits You in Heaven?

If you ask Google for an image of what Heaven is like, it’ll show you plenty of white clouds, misty staircases, pearly gates, and cherubs with harps. That’s a million miles from the truth. Ask the Bible what Heaven is like and it paints a very different picture! God’s Word reveals so much about what Heaven will be like. But the thing that people often find most surprising is this: The Bible says …

Past Articles

“I shall seek Your face, LORD.”

It was decades ago now, but I vividly remember coming home from a trip when my son, Ben, was about …

The Key to the Abundant Life God Wants for You

In our walk with Christ, we often hear about the promise of an abundant life. Of course, Jesus …

The Secret to Going Deeper with God

We don’t sing it much anymore, but there’s a wonderful old hymn by William Cowper that goes: Like …

Experience God’s Presence

Watch television or scroll through social media and you’ll see ad after ad promising everything you …

Freedom of Religion, Not Freedom from Religion!

The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or …

How to Follow Jesus… in Your Politics!

Who’s your favorite politician? That might not be an easy question to answer. But let me tell you …

Don’t Let Sleeping Dogs Lie!

You may have heard the old adage “Let sleeping dogs lie.” But according to Scripture, this isn’t …

Finding Joy in Disappointment

Disappointment is a universal experience. If you’re alive today, there’s a good chance you once had …

A Strong Foundation

Maybe to you it’s a safe, warm place where you are known and loved. Or maybe it’s the opposite—to …

A Word to Fathers

To be a successful father today, you have to swim upstream against the strong current of our …

Abandon Your Ark!

On the day Noah emerged from the ark, he turned from being a boat-builder to being an …
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