Duet or Duel?

"Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband."Ephesians 5:33
For some couples, their relationship is more of a duel than the beautiful duet God prescribed for their marriage. That’s because husbands don’t know how to husband, and wives don’t know how to wife! Let me give you two operative words that can help you have a marriage that sings. Those words are cherish and cheer. Men, you set the tone for the marriage duet by cherishing your wife, loving and honoring her. Women, you are to be your husband’s cheerleader, encouraging and respecting him. It may sound like a tough assignment, but in Christ we have the capacity to build a marriage that sings!
So start tuning your relationship today. The duet you become as husband and wife will be a refreshing and powerful witness for doing marriage God’s way. And incidentally, His way always works!