Spend More Time in His Word
January 02, 2025
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."Matthew 5:6
You have probably been to a restaurant where – after a wonderful meal – the waiter brought out a lavish dessert tray. No matter how full you were, and how disciplined you meant to be, when that tray appeared it was hard to resist. Our verse tells us that we are to hunger and thirst for what? For righteousness. God puts the right stuff, His righteousness, into us, and gives us the power and the strength to live for Him.
There are a lot of voices in this world that call to us. ‘I’ll satisfy your hunger. I’ll satisfy your thirst.’ But they never have, and never will. Jesus said, the approval of God is upon those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. They, and they alone, will be satisfied.