Object of Your Faith 2025
February 17, 2025
"Then Moses said, 'I pray Thee, show me Thy glory!'"Exodus 33:18
God placed Moses in the cleft of a rock. From there, once God had passed by, Moses was able to see the back (or what the King James Bible calls the backside) of God. That, I feel, is usually how we see God. So often when God is doing business in our lives, we don’t realize it at the time.
It may be in a mountaintop experience of blessing, or in a valley experience of despondency, but God is there with us even when we don’t know it. Later, however, we can look back and say, “You know, God was with me there when I was flat on my back. He came into my life and was so close to me.” Thank God that He has promised He will be with us – even to the end of the age.