Start Early

"Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it."Proverbs 22:6
“Where did we go wrong?” I’ve heard that question from far too many parents, usually in the midst of a crisis with their teenagers. Imagine a construction crew waiting until a building is half-finished before laying the foundation. Yet that’s what many parents do with their children.
Training a child begins early in life as parents build in them the foundation of a biblical worldview. Also, training up a child involves letting our kids see that our lives are built on this same biblical foundation. If they see little or no evidence of God’s truth or consistency in our walk and our talk as Christians, then they may write us – and our faith – off as phony. So, parents, make sure you are laying the foundation first, early in your children’s lives, and throughout their childhood showing them what life in Christ looks like. Then, you will experience the promise.