Study Your Children!

"You scrutinize my path and my lying down, and are intimately acquainted with all my ways."Psalms 139:3
Did you know God studies His children? He is a student of your ways and my ways, and He is intimately acquainted with everything about us. Just as God studies His children, we parents should study ours. We must learn to give our children the kind of love they need. So many of us are great telling our kids we love them, when what they really want is a hug. Far too many parents are still operating under the child-rearing myth that focused “quality time” is more valuable than “quantity time.”
The truth is quality time comes as a result of quantity time. And believe me, given a choice between quality time or quantity time, a child will choose QUANTITY every time. Remember, kids spell love T-I-M-E. So study your kids and give them the T-I-M-E … the time… the love… they crave from you.