The Right Direction
"For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure."Philippians 2:13
It always used to astonish me how many people somehow board the wrong airplane. You know, you’re seated on the plane, you fasten your seatbelt, and the stewardess says, “This is flight so-and-so, and its destination is such-and-such. If that is not your destination, you need to get off the plane.” – And someone would usually get off! But one time, after speaking somewhere, I was on my way back to Houston, and when I got on the plane I was convinced someone was in my seat. Then I discovered that I was on the wrong flight, and I have no idea how that happened. But that experience reminded me of a question. When you get where you’re going, where will you be?
Many would say, “I’ve bought a ticket, I’ve received Jesus into my life, and of course my destination is Heaven.” But are you growing spiritually, and does your life indicate that you are moving in the right direction? If so, your answer to the question can – and should be – that you are going exactly where God is leading, and that you are doing exactly what He has called you to do.