
The Walk of Humility

August 18, 2023
The Walk of Humility
"But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, ‘God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’"
James 4:6

We are big on grace, aren’t we? But a part of receiving and living in grace is being obedient to God. Focus for a moment on the word “humble.” In the verses that follow the one I just read, there are six steps of humility we need to take if we want to experience that greater grace. We could call these steps the “walk of humility.” James tells us what they are.

We are to submit ourselves to God, resist the devil, draw near to God, cleanse our hands, purify our hearts, and mourn over the destructive nature of sin in our lives. That’s our part. Then in verse 10, James says that God will exalt us. Six important steps. When we do them, we are humbling ourselves in the presence of God, and He promises to take care of all the conflicts in my life, in your life, and he protects and exalts us. So let’s start walking.

Categories: Devotionals>