Two Ropes - Two Rescues

"For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."Colossians 1:13-14
Two ropes led to two rescues. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, a Seaman on the battleship Oklahoma was saved from certain death by leaping to a rope dangling from an adjacent ship, which pulled him up to safety. A Bosun’s Mate serving on a maintenance ship was able to save six sailors trapped on the burning USS Arizona by tossing them a weighted heaving line allowing them to cross over. These two ropes illustrate God’s rescue and our responsibility.
God has provided a rope to pull us up one by one from sin and death to eternal life with Him. That “rope” is His Son, Jesus Christ. We have the responsibility then to toss that rope laterally to others who need to be saved. We do that by sharing our own experience of grabbing God’s rope and being rescued by Christ. So let me ask you – is there someone to whom you need to toss God’s heaving line? If so, take the time to share with them your rescue story.