When We Stand Up

"Bless those who persecute you; bless and curse not."Romans 12:14
Some people feel they are persecuted all the time. They say things like, “They didn’t invite me. Nobody likes me.” The truth is they may feel persecuted because they’re obnoxious! On the other side of that coin, if you are never persecuted, it may be that you are a coward, and you’ve become a cultural Christian.
How does genuine persecution come? Just stand up for the Lord Jesus Christ, and say there are some things that are not negotiable, some areas where you will not compromise. If you suspect you’ve been an obnoxious Christian, or a cultural Christian who goes along to get along, are you ready to make a change? If so, then quietly, humbly, sincerely, wherever God has placed you, simply stand up. He has given you the capacity to do exactly that, and you will be amazed at the power that will be released everywhere you go. How today’s world needs Christians who will stand up for Jesus. Are you ready?