
Pray for Nashville

March 29, 2023
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Pray for Nashville

All of America is grieved over the loss of these six precious lives in Nashville, Tennessee. And we can’t understand it in this life. But somehow we believe in the life to come somehow all of this would put together and there will be justice and we’ll understand that those little ones, we’ll watch them grow up in heaven. So let's go to the Lord in prayer and ask for His presence and His comfort at this moment in time.

Our Heavenly Father, we go to you with this petition asking you to comfort all the families involved in this unspeakable disaster in Nashville. Lord we pray that you will give comfort to those in time. Somehow, through all of this may there be those who look to you in a way they've never looked you before. And Lord may somehow, in this moment of tragic extremity, you let all of us understand that the distance between life and death in this life is tissue paper thin.

So may we live as though we're going to die tomorrow, And may we live in a way that we realize that life is precious. May we treat everyone we meet as someone who is made in your image and Lord, in the process of this, through this horrific event. We pray for the family of this person who committed these acts.

Lord, how they're struggling now. We pray for the school where these individuals were involved. We pray that somehow the Lord Jesus Christ might be honored and understand that those who are in Christ to be absent from this body is to be present with you. And that gives us comfort in the middle of this, this moment of darkness and evil.

Lord, use it. The devil meant it for evil, but use it and bless it in all of our lives somehow that we will be drawn to you and others will be drawn to you and realize that life counts here and life counts forever only as we are in Christ. Comfort these we ask with your Holy Spirit, with your presence. Heal the sorrow.

Make all of us be aware that the best is yet to be. As we seek your face and walk with you in the name of Him. Who is our Comforter, the Lord Jesus Christ. Comfort these through your spirit. We pray in Christ name. Amen.