What is Revival

People are asking what's happening now.
All over the country it seems, in colleges and other small groups the Spirit of God is moving. People are praying, and sharing, and praising that there's a new life, that God has come to them in a powerful way in Jesus Christ.
We saw it first begin in Wilmore, Kentucky at Asbury University. It's now going to colleges all across the country, and they're calling this revival.
Revival is when we come back home to God, when we confess and we get right with God.
Worship becomes important and begins to work in your heart and my heart if you know Jesus Christ. Something that was complacent or maybe even almost dead is brought back to life. That is not a great awakening. A Great awakening happens in those of us who experienced a revival.
In a great awaking we begin to share our faith with Christ to those who do not believe in God or do not believe in Christ.
That's when the sweeping results of revival begins to change a nation, a college, an individual, the world, even America. Study revival in history when the church is revived, it comes alive. And then the church spreads anywhere and everywhere and penetrates education, government, community, and all the other entities in the culture.
We're having the first gleams of revival. I pray it'll spill over and we'll have a great awakening and turning to God and turn to Christ in America and around the world.