

As we seek to follow God’s plan for our relationships, including our relationship with our spouse, we will begin to live and walk in love. We discover that love is not a noun; it a an action word that describes the supernatural, countercultural, and sacrificial love that finds its foundation  - and its motivation - in our relationship with God.

A Unifying Marriage


Because our mate knows more about us than anyone else, God will often use our marriage as a mirror that forces us to take an honest look at …

A Biblical View of Marriage

2/16/25 | Ephesians 5:28

I do. I will. The vows repeated by the bride and groom in a marriage ceremony are more than just promises they make to one another. Marriage is more …

A Great Marriage

2/09/25 | 1 Corinthians 7:1-8

Marriage is the most important relationship we have outside of our relationship with Jesus Christ. Marriage is God’s idea, and He has a plan and a …

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