The Parables
Parables are brief stories, often challenging or surprising, that use examples and objects from everyday life to teach important truths in a memorable way. The parables of Jesus serve as spiritual mirrors that help us see ourselves more clearly, and spiritual windows that reveal what God is like and what He wants us to learn about the transforming power of a relationship with Him.

Once Was Lost
6/30/24So many of us are lost in life because of our foolishness, carelessness, or selfishness. Even our nation has wandered away from God and is lost. …

The Good Samaritan
6/23/24Love your neighbor as yourself. That is one of the greatest commandments, but how do we determine in today’s culture where to expend our time, …

The Wise and Foolish Builder
6/09/24In three parable vignettes, Jesus draws a dividing line between a life built on the rock of commitment to God and His will and purposes and one built …

The Sower the Seed and the Soil
6/02/24The parables present truths God uses to challenge us and wake us up to apply His principles in our daily lives. But just as seed that is sown in a …