
Become nothing and watch God do something!

May 26, 2017
PROVERBS 3:5 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

Whenever I am asked to sign a book for someone, I frequently write the notation “Proverbs 3:5-6” next to it. It is one of my favorite passages of scripture. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” In all your ways acknowledge Him. Don’t lean on your own understanding. How does that work? What does it mean? It works like this. I am nothing. That’s right. I am nothing, and so are you. Is your ego smarting? It shouldn’t be. God wants you and me to become nothing. Then we will understand that He is everything.

Dr. William Newell was teaching the Bible at a mission in China, and was leaving to return to America. He spoke with the director of the mission and said in a very pious voice, “Oh, please pray that I shall become nothing.” The director of the China inland mission laughed and said, “Newell, you are nothing. Take it by faith.” The secret to being sure you are in the middle of God’s will is to understand that you are nothing. You came from dust, and in a little while you will be nothing more than a vapor. With this understanding, you can empty your life of self-importance and pride, and simply say, “Lord Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit. I have no agenda of my own.” Then God can take your nothing-ness and my nothing-ness, and make something beautiful of it that He can use and bless. God makes somethings out of nothings!
