Belief’s big test

… for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. - ROMANS 10:10
“You don’t know what you really believe in until you’re locked in a bed in a hospital,” said the seriously ill woman.
“What do you mean?” the pastor asked.
“You get your meaning in life from being excessively attractive or working. I don’t look good anymore and lying here, I can’t get up and work.” When you’re flat on your back, your true belief emerges. If your gods go on vacation when you have a crisis, they are proven to be false.
The heart is the core of belief. It is to the person of faith what the protoplasm is to a cell. Real life springs up from the believing heart, life that doesn’t fade under fire nor lose its faith in a hospital room. Hope and faith that stand up when you are flat on your back proves the validity of the belief in your heart!
Ask God to enlarge your heart’s capacity for trust in Him and then to pour in more faith.