
Brand new

January 08, 2019
Do not call to mind the former things or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? - ISAIAH 43:18-19a

In the 16th Century, most of London, England was destroyed by fire. Famed architect Sir Christopher Wren designed a magnificent master plan for the reconstruction of that great city. The calamity had offered an opportunity to build London in a better way. However, a peculiar trend began to take place. People chose to rebuild their homes and buildings on their old foundations just as they had been before! Instead of a new London, people settled for the old London rebuilt.

How often we miss opportunities to build better and go deeper with God. Like the Londoners, we settle for the same old thing, the expedient, comfortable, and familiar. God makes all things new, including you and me, so don’t miss it. Don’t work on “improving” yourself on your old foundation. Let Him make you brand new! 

Categories: Devotionals> Tags: Isaiah
