
Closed for Business

April 28, 2018
But whoever has the world's goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?  -1 John 3:17
“No shoes, no shirt, no service!” isn’t a bad sign for a restaurant, but its lousy for the enterprises of the heart. Awhile back I watched a TV interview with a popular media leftist. He blathered on about America’s insensitivity to poverty and the homeless, and how the government should do more to help the poor. Then the TV host nailed him. 
“Where do you live?” Help
The interviewer stared at his guest. “Can you name one person who is poor?”
The man’s shock and inability to name one person revealed that his passion was sham. 

There are those who bedeck their lives with a big neon sign flashing, “I’m for the poor!” But when the needy knock on their heart-door they find it is closed for business.

The way we treat genuinely needy people, especially those in our spiritual family, reveals the true nature of the heart.

Ask God to purge you of false compassion and open your heart to those in genuine need.
Categories: Devotionals> Tags: help, heart, 1 John
