
From Above

October 16, 2024
From Above
“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.”
James 3:17

How easy it is for us, in today’s culture, to be swallowed by it all – bigger, better, more. How important it is that we get still and know that we can receive the wisdom from above that God promises to His children. Notice that this wisdom is – first of all – pure. That means it is without mixture or alloy. It calls us to be holy, to be separate, and to swim upstream against the current of our world. With wisdom from above, we are able to interpret things from a divine dimension, and we understand something of the way God works.

We can go with the crowd, or we can act on the basis of wisdom from our Living God. Choose correctly, and you will receive the ability in any situation, and in any relationship, to understand how God would have you live – and what He would have you do.

Categories: Devotionals>