
God searches your heart

March 01, 2017
..and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints… – ROMANS 8:27
Who searches the heart? The Bible says that the Father searches our hearts. In fact, God is searching our hearts right now! Does that make you uncomfortable? Someone might say, “I’m not sure I want God to search my heart. He may not like what He finds there.” But the truth is, God searches our minds, our consciences, our hearts, not like a criminal investigator, but like a treasure hunter. He is looking for glimpses of His Spirit, searching for evidence of His own presence in us. And His aim in searching is not to condemn, but to work out the very best in our lives for His honor and glory, and for our joy. 

At Christmas time each year, I think long and hard about what gift to give Jo Beth. I want to buy her something that she needs, certainly, but also something that expresses my personality and brings her great joy. To discover that certain something, I try to search her heart and see if there is something special she desires. I look for clues…for things that make her eyes light up, things she lingers over. As much as I love Jo Beth, our heavenly Father loves us even more. He’s constantly searching our hearts to bless us, and to make a difference in our lives. So don’t be afraid. Ask God to search your heart, and trust Him to deal lovingly and rightly with what He sees.
Categories: Devotionals> Tags: condemn, trust, Romans
