
Heart Certification

May 14, 2018
Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God… -1 John 3:21
You had to be a citizen to compete in races in ancient Greece. There were races of ascending importance. To compete in the big runs, you had to be certified by participating in other races.

If your heart wouldn’t hold out in a previous race, you couldn’t run in the next. The runner’s heart certified whether or not he could run.

Life in Christ is a great dash toward Heaven. To be in this race, you must be a citizen of God’s Kingdom. Paul also writes of the heart certification when he says that to have Christ and heavenly citizenship is to have a heart indwelt with the Holy Spirit. Then, says the Scripture, “The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God…” (Romans 8:16)

This is the “certification” in which the heart doesn’t condemn, but confirms that we belong to God in the deepest sense. Do you have such “certification”?

What does the spiritual center of your personality tell you about your relationship to God? Do you feel confident in calling Him “Abba” (Daddy)? If not, give your life to Christ and receive His indwelling Spirit. If so, give God thanks for making you His child.
Categories: Devotionals> Tags: confidence, 1 John, heart