
Jesus bring justice and healing

December 08, 2019
“I came forth from the Father and have come into the world.” – John 16:28a

A leading atheist and a Christian participated in a series of television debates.  As I watched several of these debates, I found it interesting that the atheist was fair, philosophical, and very scholarly. But his Christian opponent kept asking him, “How do you account for the sense of injustice?”

The atheist finally admitted that he didn’t understand the innate sense people have of right and wrong. He believed murder was wrong and that it was wrong to steal. In other words, he had a moral code, but he couldn’t explain the basis for that code. He said, “I don’t understand it.”

We know the answer, don’t we? We live in a fallen world, but we know that this world is not all there is. That is what we celebrate at Christmas. It is when God’s world broke through into our fallen world to bring justice and healing. God punched His way through that wall and entered time and history. That is the incredible reality of Christmas.

Categories: Devotionals> Tags: christmas, John
