
Note to the heart

July 24, 2018
Then my God put it into my heart to assemble the nobles, the officials and the people to be enrolled by genealogies … - NEHEMIAH 7:5

When I dated Jo Beth, I wrote her little notes, signed “Luv ya!” They were aimed at her heart to stoke the fires of her inspiration to love me. If the heart’s not in it, there is no romance.

God aims at Nehemiah’s heart. He assigns Nehemiah a job requiring much passion. Nehemiah must rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, silence critics, be alert for attacks, and organize grumpy people. If Nehemiah’s heart’s not in such a huge task, none of it will succeed. Literally, God “fastened” His direction to Nehemiah’s heart.

I wrote Jo Beth notes because I wanted her to think constantly of my love. She could fasten the scraps of paper to her diary, or paste them on her mirror. When God sends a note to your heart, it’s fastened there. The motivation to do His will is persistent. When you do wrong, the note is there, in the form of your conscience. When you do right, God’s note is there, confirming your actions. Heed the note God fastens to your heart! 

What has God “put into” your heart to do that is yet undone? Ask for strength and opportunity to accomplish God’s will.

Categories: Devotionals> Tags: Nehemiah
