
Pray many veils would be opened

August 17, 2017
II CORINTHIANS 3:16 - …but whenever a man turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.

If the gospel is veiled, Paul said, it is veiled to those who are perishing. They cannot see the truth because the god of this world—Satan—has blinded them.

Many years ago, I visited the home of a young couple who was attending the church I pastored. They were a beautiful family: a strong husband, an attractive wife, and polite, well-mannered children. They were lovely people, but they did not have a clue about what it meant to be a Christian. As I talked, the wife indicated that she would like to receive Christ, and one of their teenaged children did likewise. The husband was warm, engaging, and appeared very interested, but he did not follow the example of his wife and child. “Is there any reason why you cannot ask Jesus Christ into your life?” I asked him. “No,” he replied. “Well, would you like to?” I said. “I want to someday,” he said. I believed he was so close. Almost persuaded to surrender to Christ. But although we spoke into the wee hours, he never budged. I could not understand it. I was certain he comprehended. There was an openness in him to hear the truth, but not to receive it. It was as if there were a veil over his heart that would not be parted. Later, I learned that he had been having an affair, and shortly after the night we talked, he left his wife and children to be with the other woman. He belonged to the god of this world, and he could not let go—even when he heard the truth.

Categories: Devotionals> Tags: veiled, truth, 2 Corinthians
