
Say ‘yes’ to a higher love

November 28, 2017
1 CORINTHIANS 13:11 - When I was a child, I used to speak as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.

Have you ever seen Michelangelo’s famous David? It stands in a modest rotunda in a Florence, Italy museum, beautifully elevated and bathed in natural light. It is impressive from any angle, but almost no one comments on the tree stump that the artist carved to support his sculpture’s right leg. The stump is not ornamental—it is an essential balance to the entire work of art. Without the half-hidden stump, Michelangelo’s masterpiece would have toppled over centuries ago, because the David as he stands could not bear his own weight.

You see, Michelangelo knew his craft. In David, he created something that was not only breathtakingly beautiful, but would stand the test of time. It would last. He knew the raw material—the marble— and what it could and could not do. Real, relational intimacy is the foundation for pure sex. Sex without relational intimacy is like a fragment of a masterpiece.

If you are among the majority of unmarried adults who are sexually active, I encourage you to “just say yes” to building a solid foundation of relational intimacy—not sexual intimacy—in your relationships with the opposite sex. Pure sex—the kind of sex God intends for a husband and wife—is simply too heavy to support with no foundation. It needs a solid, relational base to bear its weight.
