Object of Your Faith 2025
February 17, 2025
“See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God…” - 1 JOHN 3:1
Sometimes you may need to pause and recall a few of the things the Bible says about the incredible love God has for you. God loves you so much He has numbered every hair on your head. Every tear you’ve ever shed God has put in a bottle. Your name is written on His hand. He hears everything you’ve ever said and knows every thought you’ve ever had. He rejoices over you with singing. And best of all – He sent His Son to die for you even when you were walking in darkness and in the pit of sin.
He is in the business of forgiving, and loving, and cleansing and restoring. That is how much He loves you. And better still, it is a love that will not let you go!