
The calloused heart

June 28, 2018
They have closed their unfeeling heart; with their mouth they speak proudly. - PSALM 17:10

A businessman told me, “Every transaction I get involved in makes me realize more calluses are being built on my heart.” Literally, in the Psalm, the “unfeeling heart” is one “enclosed in its own fat.” A thick layer of flesh keeps the heart from being sensitive. A callus is also a thickening of the skin from rubbing and pressure and is hard and relatively insensitive.

A callus, in a sense, is a protective mechanism as the skin tries to shield itself from raw-rubbing friction. So it is with the heart. In an effort to protect ourselves, we try to turn off our feelings. Not only do we shield ourselves from those who irritate and stress us, but from those we care about the most as well.

Most often, calluses have to be cut off or shaved down by a physician. Are you getting calloused in heart? Allow the Holy Spirit to cut off the layers making you insensitive to people!

Ask the Holy Spirit to do surgery on your heart, removing the calluses and to restore the sensitivity of your spiritual and emotional heart.

Categories: Devotionals> Tags: Psalm