The Crashing Wave of Hopelessness

"O Lord, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me; many are saying of me, there is no help for him in God. But thou, O Lord, art a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head."Psalms 3:1-3
In 2020, off the northern coast of Portugal, a new record was set for the highest wave ever surfed. Photos of the event show the surfer overshadowed by a giant wave about to crash down on him. That’s what King David felt like as he was fleeing the rebellion led by his son Absalom. The man after God’s own heart found himself overcome with feelings of hopelessness. But then David looked up – “But thou, O Lord” – and remembered His Hope and Deliverer!
We live in a culture that seems like that record wave – about to break and crush us. For many, there is a keen sense of hopelessness. What can we do? Like David, we need to look up, because that’s always the direction of hope. We need to have our own “But thou, O Lord” moment and remember that God was not only David’s Hope and Deliverer, but through Christ, He is ours too!