The dry heart

I stretch out my hands to Thee; my soul longs for Thee, as a parched land. - PSALM 143:6
“My preacher is so dry I would be scared to strike a match around him,” a man told me once. Preachers aren’t the only folks whose hearts run dry. Most of us experience times when our souls are as parched as a desert floor under a summer sun on a cloudless day.
“Parched” means “languid,” signifying dullness, loss of energy, weariness and boredom. Dry heart leads to lethargy and complacency. When your passion is flat-lined, you’re suffering from dry heart.
David’s cure was to “stretch out my hands,” meaning he prayed. But when we have dry heart, praying is not high on our list. Yet digging a well is not pleasant for a thirsty person, but dig a well he will if there’s the promise of water.
When the heart is dry, don’t try to dredge up a religious prayer. Set aside some time to wait in God’s presence. Immerse yourself in worship of the Most High. Stretch yourself out before Him so you can get rained on!
Are you suffering the symptoms of a dry heart? Allow the Holy Spirit to water your heart through worshipful prayer.