The heart’s legacy

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. - JOHN 14:27
The snow fell on our neighbor’s pristine yard and his little daughter feared being blamed for it. All she knew was that the green lawn, her father’s idol, disappeared under the icy, pale substance. The child was visiting us, and Jo Beth showed her the snow. But the little girl was afraid. “Tell daddy I didn’t do it,” she said.
The fear of blame is a ghost hovering in the dark attic of the human heart. We spend our lives making excuses, inventing rationalizations and practicing avoidance all because we don’t want “daddy” to hold us responsible.Ultimately, because God has written His Law in our hearts, we are gripped with the fear of being blamed eternally for breaking it.
But Jesus removes the guilt behind the blame. Every person receiving Him receives His righteousness. He shoos the spook of blame-fear from our hearts and replaces it with the Holy Ghost! And in doing so, Jesus Christ leaves our hearts the legacy of peace.
Are you playing the “blame-game” with others? Receive Christ’s forgiveness for your sins and extend forgiveness to people you blame.