
The Winning Walk

Walking involves practically every muscle in the body. And no one is born with the ability to walk. It requires training, strength, …

Psalms: A Shelter in the Storm

Psalms, the hymnbook of the Bible, teaches us to pray, provides comfort in times of adversity, reminds us of God’s power, love and …

The Parables

This sermon series covers the parable that Jesus taught. I liked the illustration of the uploaded artwork. Suggested title "The Parables" …

Parenting by the Book

Parenting advice has become an industry of its own, with millions of dollars spent each year on books and resources that claim to teach …

Light Walking

“DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW?” In Christian circles we hear that question bantered about quite often. Light Walking is designed to help shed …

Overcoming Pain

If God is good, why does He let you feel painful emotions like anxiety, depression and doubt? Dr. Ed Young addresses these issues and shows …

Restored: A Study of Luke 15

Our foolish choices, selfish decisions, anger and bitterness are just a few of the roads that lead to the Far Country. When we find …

Made to Climb

So many great events in the story of God's people took place on a mountaintop. From Elijah calling down God's fire on Mount Carmel to …

Romans 8: The Victorious Life

Even when you are on God’s team and a member of His family you are not exempt from problems. But whatever is going on in your life, God is …

Romans 8: A New Identity

Romans 8 is often regarded as the greatest chapter in the Bible. Its 39 verses contain the practical truths and amazing assurance that are …