3 Ways That Your Trials Can Turn into Triumphs

When the storms of life blow into our lives, we often ask – Why is this happening to me? And how can I get through it?
Let’s look at one storm in Paul’s life to see three ways God can turn your trials into triumphs:
1. Storms will help you learn to trust in God’s promises.
As Paul was sailing to Rome as a Roman prisoner, his boat was hit by such a fierce storm that most of those with him lost all hope of survival. But Acts 27:21-24 says:
“Paul stood up in their midst and said, ‘Men… I urge you to keep up your courage, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship. For this very night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood before me saying, “Do not be afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar; and… God has granted you all those who are sailing with you”’”Acts 27:21-24
And God delivered on His promise because “they were all brought safely to land”Acts 27:44
2. You’ll be a more powerful witness as others see God is your anchor.
Storms give us a chance to show unbelievers – like the sailors and Roman soldiers around Paul— that our God is an anchor you can trust. I’ve known believers who’ve been stricken with cancer… or gone through a broken marriage… or an unexplained illness… which opened the door for them to share their faith in a powerful way with countless people who needed to know Jesus.
3. God uses storms to shape you for greater things.
As we look at this story of how Paul survived the storm and shipwreck, I believe God was building him up so he could be a more effective witness in what was the most prestigious place on earth.
You and I will always be more powerful for God to use after going through the storm than if we’d just had a nice little Mediterranean cruise.
My friend, I don’t know what storm you may be going through today, but let me assure you, God can turn your trials into triumphs. You just need to look up and trust Him.