
Great Treasure Awaits Those Who Walk in the Word

March 12, 2025
Someone walking on beach

Vido Mati, a 24-year-old student in Barcelona, Spain, was writing his thesis for his doctor of philosophy degree. In reading some old books in the library, he found one by a certain philosopher. The old philosopher had left his will in this book.

The will bequeathed his property to the first man who would read the book. Vito Mati took the will to the courts, where he was ruled the legal heir and received an estate of $250,000.           

This was indeed a wonderful discovery of unexpected treasure!

But the Bible holds infinitely more treasures than did that ancient book on philosophy which Vido Mati discovered. Those treasures wait for you. They will enrich your life as you walk in the Word.

Charles Spurgeon was once visiting in an old home when he noticed a battered, torn, ragged Bible. A closer examination revealed a worm had eaten all the way through the book from cover to cover. 

He picked it up and prayed, “Oh Lord, make me like a bookworm so that I will know and eat and devour thy words, from Genesis to Revelation.”      

As the old Puritan preachers encouraged their listeners to read this book to be wise, believe it to be safe, and to practice it to be holy, so do I!

When you walk in God’s Word, you’ll…

            Find a preventative for sin.

            Know and claim God’s promises.

            Uncover happiness and blessings in life.

            Gain assurance of your deliverance.

            Grow in your devotion to God.

            Discover proven truth in “line upon line…precept upon precept.”

The day will come when we agree with the Psalmist: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”
Psalms 119:105

On that day, we will begin to understand what spiritual maturity really means and who the spiritual person really is.

When you walk in the Word and allow it to illuminate the path of your Christian walk, you will uncover untold treasures, far more valuable than gold and silver.

You will gain not only the greatest inheritance imaginable – eternal life in heaven – but also abundant life here on earth.