4 Things to Remember

It’s easy to get wrapped up in this question, and unfortunately there’s no simple answer. But as you consider it, I do think there are some important things to keep in mind
God is good.
It’s not always easy, but you have to place your trust in the character of God – realizing that He is wholly good and has good in store for you.
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose”Romans 8:28
He knows what He's doing.
You are not God, and I am not God. Does God know what He’s doing? Think about what He’s done. God spoke the stars into existence and hung them in space. Does that impress you? It sure impresses me! Trust that God knows what He’s doing.
“So are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts”Isaiah 55:9
God is sovereign.
Remember that old song we’ve heard most of our lives… ‘He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands?’ Well, God’s got the Middle East in His hands. He’s got Syria in His hands. He’s got Iraq and China. He’s got America. He’s got all the world in His hands. He’s got you and me, brother; you and me, sister. He’s got everybody in His hands. He is sovereign!
We don't have the full picture.
We don’t have the wisdom of God to know how current events work in with His perfect ways. So when there are unbelievable tragedies, or when you and I face hardship, we just have to say… “God, I don’t get it. I will never get it in this life. But I trust that there will be a day, as we read in Scripture, when we will know You just as we have been fully known by You. And then, it will all come together.”
The bottom line is… it’s okay to be uncomfortable with the big questions about life and purpose. Because I believe one of the greatest threats to faith is apathy—not caring what, or why, or how.
I hope you will continue to question. Continue to pray. And continue to seek comfort in the proven truth in God’s Word.