
Be Encouraged in Your Walk With Christ!

June 20, 2019

Elijah is my kind of guy. He’s real, he’s authentic – and he has so much to teach us!

Today I want to take you to three places of significance on Elijah’s journey that will inspire you in your walk with Christ.

The first stop is Cherith – Elijah’s wilderness hiding place (1 Kings 17:1-7 NASB). After Elijah told evil King Ahab of the impending drought, God directs Elijah to this remote backwater—the name of which literally means “cut off.”

God commands ravens to bring Elijah bread and meat, and he drinks from the bubbling brook. Until the stream stops flowing, that is.

Elijah was cut off. His water source dried up. He didn’t know what the next day held. And yet he obeyed the Lord.

At Cherith, Elijah teaches us to pursue obedience under pressure – to follow God’s lead whether the brook is bubbling or whether it’s run dry.

The next stop on Elijah’s journey was Zarephath – which translates as “smelting.” Here Elijah seeks refuge with a poor widow and her son, who are at the point of starvation. And yet, as they depend on God, He miraculously provides enough oil and flour for each day.

But then the boy falls sick and dies. Elijah “stretched himself upon the child three times.... And the life of the child returned to him” (1 Kings 17:21-22).

At Zarephath, Elijah teaches us to persist in dependence in times of trial – as he points us to the crucified Savior who was “stretched out” to bring us resurrection life!

Finally, let’s visit Mount Carmel, the “place of burning.” You might recognize the story of this incredible showdown between Baal and almighty Jehovah God (1 Kings 18:20-46).

Even when confronted with the raging zeal of the prophets of Baal, Elijah stood his ground. His trust was well-placed. Baal was shown to be powerless and mute – and God won the day!

At Mount Carmel, Elijah teaches us to stand firm in our faith even up against a sin-ridden, godless society – reminding us that God alone will have the ultimate victory.

I pray you’ll follow in Elijah’s footsteps, moving forward in greater obedience, dependence, and faith in your winning walk with Jesus!