
God Redeems and Restores

February 10, 2022

If you want to dig deep into the doctrine of forgiveness, get into the book of Hosea. I’m sure you know the story.  God calls the prophet Hosea to marry an unfaithful wife, Gomer.  She betrays Hosea and ends up selling herself into prostitution. But Hosea doesn’t abandon her.  Despite her betrayal, Hosea still loves her.  He buys Gomer back, and the couple is reunited.

It’s incredible.

But the most mind-blowing thing is that this is not only the story of Hosea’s forgiveness of Gomer… It’s also the story of God’s forgiveness of you and me.

Like Gomer, we have unfaithful, wayward hearts.  But God in his mercy redeems and restores us to relationship with Him!

This is the glorious gospel!  And it’s our calling to proclaim this wonderful news of God’s forgiveness to our hurting world. That’s why I’m so thankful for your partnership with The Winning Walk, which makes it possible to reach into hearts and homes all over the world with the proven truth of God’s Word!

I pray that God will continue to use friends like you to bring many more men and women the joy of forgiveness in Jesus!

God bless you.