
Help Push Back the Darkness

October 30, 2020

We live in darkening times.

I’m not just talking about the ongoing impact of the pandemic, nor am I referring to the political division around this year’s election. Rather, I’m saying that in almost every aspect of our national life, the spiritual darkness is deepening.

In fact, right now I believe we’ve reached a crisis point as we see the fruit of a secular society that increasingly rejects and spurns the living God. Biblical truth is being undermined on so many fronts.

As these cultural clashes intensify, it’s easy to feel intimidated. And it’s tempting to just lay low and keep quiet. But God is calling us to do the opposite! He is calling us to fight for truth on the battlegrounds before us.

The good news is that you already have all you need for this fight. Because to push back darkness, you need light—the light of God’s Word. As the psalmist says, 

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”
Psalms 119:105

It’s a familiar Scripture—but one that really needs to take root in our hearts if we’re to be effective in standing for truth in our time. Because God’s Word is the light we need!

First, we have the Word incarnate, the Lord Jesus Christ. Stick with Him. Keep Him front and center. Ensure you pivot your actions, attitudes, and decisions around His Kingdom purposes.

And second, we have the written Word of God. As Peter writes, “His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us,” and He has

“granted to us His precious and magnificent promises”
2 Peter 1:3-4

May God be pleased to use you and me to push back the darkness—as together we seek to grow in godliness and stand on the precious promises of His Word. And thank you for helping others do the same through your partnership. God bless you!

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