
In Loving Memory of Jo Beth Young

October 12, 2017
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Jo Beth Young's Graduation Service
"To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord"
2 Corinthians 5:8

Dr. Ed Young’s beloved wife of 58 years passed away on Sunday, September 17, 2017. Jo Beth was a wonderful Christian woman whose gifts of teaching, hospitality, and encouragement so blessed her church family. 

Those who knew her best described Jo Beth as a genuine lover of people. She knew no strangers. From her smile, her laugh, and her wink, to her expressions of concern or empathy—to speak with Jo Beth was to connect to a woman who always had time to listen.

Jo Beth was an integral part of Dr. Young’s ministry, but she never wanted to be up front. Her passion was behind the scenes, extending the arms of our pastor and church to the membership and surrounding community. She was indeed that “great woman” behind the “great man.”

She was also a gifted teacher of God’s Word, faithfully teaching Bible study classes and leading women’s retreats and Mother’s Day services. She modeled grace, dignity, and faithfulness in all things.

Jo Beth leaves behind her husband, three sons, 11 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild—and the legacy of a selfless leader who made a difference in this world for Jesus Christ, and stood up for Him at all times.