
The Triple A Secret to Loving Your Kids

February 28, 2023
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
Ephesians 6:4

If you want to build your family life using this blueprint for parenting, then here’s my Triple A approach to help you put it into practice.

1. Affirmation

Often the bond between mother and child is deeply established even before a baby is born. Fathers, on the other hand, usually have to work a little harder to build a deep relationship with their children. Affirmation is a vital tool in this endeavor! A child needs to hear his dad say, “I’m proud of you.” A young man needs to feel his father’s respect over his achievements. And a young lady needs to know she’s beautiful in her dad’s eyes.

2.  Appreciation

Even the youngest children need to know they’re appreciated. The key to getting this right is making an effort to come down to your kids’ level, see things from their point of view, and demonstrate your appreciation for the things that matter to them.

3. Affection

In our culture, many men have a problem showing affection to their children, especially their boys. But it’s so important! When they are small, we can show our kids that affection by cuddling and holding them. When they grow up, they don’t lose the need for such demonstrations – so it’s important to find age- and gender-appropriate means of showing affection physically.

These three principles will help you form a deep and unbreakable bond with your children so that their hearts are ready to receive the “discipline and instruction of the Lord” from you!