Past Devotionals

Unanswered Questions

March 23, 2023

Unanswered questions do not negate God or His love. 

God’s Formula for Spiritual formation

March 22, 2023

God’s offers His people practical instruction and a promise for trying times.

Five Words of Comfort and Assurance

March 21, 2023

God’s shepherding care offers comfort in every circumstance.

Cultural Confusion

March 20, 2023

God’s Word keeps us directed in a misdirected culture.

More to Follow

March 19, 2023

We will never truly fathom how marvelous, infinite, and matchless is the grace of God.

Hide and Seek

March 18, 2023

When Christ is your treasure, you become rich in things that last forever.

The Power of Consistency

March 17, 2023

If you could be remembered for one outstanding character trait, what would it be?

From Above

March 16, 2023

God provides His “uncommon sense” to help us make decisions and choices that honor Him.

Which One?

March 15, 2023

Our words reveal what is hidden in our heart.

Safe Passage

March 14, 2023

God’s Word can be trusted to guide you and to guard your steps.

Half-hearted Devotion

March 13, 2023

Anything short of wholehearted commitment diminishes our effectiveness for God.

The Language of Jesus

March 12, 2023

The language of love from the Cross is a universal language.  

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