Fear Is a Defeated Foe
May 27, 2023If God is for us, who can be against us?
If God is for us, who can be against us?
Develop a strategy to avoid falling prey to the temptations that are an inevitable part of life.
Words are almost inadequate to communicate all that Christ has done in our lives.
Your testimony is stronger when your walk and your talk are consistent.
People will recognize the difference when you display the flavor of God in your life.
Failure doesn’t have to be the final word in our life’s story.
Have you given God everything you have and everything you are?
Christianity is not a religion at all. It’s a relationship!
Only Christ can give us the inward strength and power to stand against the winds of storms.
All must answer the question of Jesus: Who do you say that I am?
Don’t let His Temple become a trash receptacle.
Four words that will rock all of creation: Jesus Christ is Lord!